Welcome to Whim Wham's Craft Blog!

I love to craft, sew, knit, crochet, needle felt...ect. Unfortunately, no one around me shares this passion. So, I am branching out into cyber world, hoping to connect with a few crazy...I mean crafty people like me. Enjoy! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Whim Wham, We Have a Problem!

Sorry I have not wrote a post for awhile.  My hard-drive failed, so I have been out of commission.  It was a new hard-drive too, so it's failure came as kind of a surprise.  Luckily I did not lose a lot of information, and I have finally got a temporary setup going until my new replacement arrives.
A lot has happened here in the last 12 days.  My birthday was on the 12th, and  my daughter took me out to Chuck e Cheese to celebrate!  Wasn't that nice of her?
I also got a pretty cool present.  My long time friend from Korea came to visit me.  He also was kind enough to bring me 5 Japanese craft books too!  One of them is pretty cool.  It is a book of up-cycling and reusing clothing to make kids clothes. I will try to get some pictures of it on here later.
I went to Mitsuwa in Arlington Heights too and got a couple more Japanese craft books yesterday.  I tried to get something a little different this time, instead of the usual sewing patterns.  I chose a paper cutting book and another book that shows how to make fabric containers. (It is in French and Japanese...yeah, two languages I don't understand!)  I can't wait to make something from them!
These technical difficulties are cutting into my precious craft time.  I can't wait until I get it all resolved!
It has been a week of a lot of deep breaths!
I will do my best to catch up on some posts over the weekend! =)

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